On November 25, 2023, in conjunction with the 30th anniversary of the exchange program between Jiangxi University of Science and Technology (JXUST) and Prince of Songkla University (PSU), the School of Science of JXUST organized the "China-Thailand Graduate Student Exchange Conference". Graduate students from the Department of Electronic Science and Technology and Electronic Information of JXUST had in-depth and friendly face-to-face exchanges with graduate students from the Department of Computer Science of PSU.
During the conference, Zhou Xinglong, a third-year graduate student majoring in Electronic Science and Technology from the Chinese side, provided a detailed introduction to his research field to Mr. Tanatorn Pethmunee, a first-year graduate student from Thailand. The Thai students also shared detailed information about their research areas. In addition, they had brief discussions on topics of mutual interest, such as the geographical climate and social customs differences between China and Thailand.
After the conference, Zhou Xinglong led the Thai graduate students on a tour to visit the laboratories, teaching buildings, and the library of the Sanjiang Campus. On November 26th, the Chinese graduate students also led the Thai graduate students on a visit to the Hongqi Campus.
Finally, the graduate students from both China and Thailand expressed their unanimous desire for further opportunities for academic exchanges in the future.

Figure 1. Scene from the China-Thailand Graduate Student Exchange Conference (1).

Figure 2. Scene from the China-Thailand Graduate Student Exchange Conference (2).