introduction to the College

作者: 时间:2019-12-24 点击数:

    The Institute of Science was established in 2001, its predecessor is the department of science, the existing mathematical information, physics and electronics, sports three departments, under the financial mathematics, electronic information science and technology, social sports, information and computing science four professional teaching and research departments. The teaching and research rooms of three basic courses of public mathematics, college physics and public physical education and the Institute of Medicine and Information Engineering have been built into three basic laboratories of university physics experiment, science experiment center and sports experiment center, among which the university physics laboratory is the provincial experimental demonstration center. In addition, there are six professional laboratories: computing science, intelligent computing and network, artificial intelligence, circuit design, embedded system and sports rehabilitation. At present, there are five undergraduate majors in information and computing science, mathematics and applied mathematics, financial mathematics, social sports guidance and management, electronic information science and technology, among which the major of information and computing science is the specialty of provincial brand characteristics, and mathematics and physics are the key disciplines at the school level. At present, there are two master's degree programs in mathematics, electronic science and technology, and two master's degree programs in computer application technology, electronics and communication, with more than 1300 students in school.

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