Training of three talents

作者: 时间:2019-12-24 点击数:

In the process of personnel training, the college pays attention to tamping the foundation, teaching students according to their aptitude, carrying out three-dimensional construction according to the professional classification and students, and developing in the direction of "fine and strong, especially excellent". First, take the professional need and the social demand as the guide, carries on the curriculum design, unceasingly enhances the student's comprehensive quality. Second, the college has actively carried out the construction of practical training bases, and has built 18 practical training bases for students to improve their practical ability. Third, the college also takes the innovation experiment class as the platform, trains the student's innovative thinking ability. Fourth, The college attaches great importance to the important role of subject competition in talent training, actively organizes and guides students to participate in all kinds of domestic competitions, and has achieved outstanding results: the national college students' mathematical modeling competition has won 13 national first-class awards, the national college students' mathematical competition scores have been among the top in Jiangxi Province for four years in a row, and the Chinese intelligent robot competition and aerobics competition have won more than 30 national first-class awards. The employment advantage of graduates has been effectively improved, and the quality of employment has been improved step by step. In the past three years, the employment rate of students has reached about 90%. The admission rate of students in postgraduate entrance examination has increased year by year, including Sun Yat-sen University, Central South University, South China normal University, South China University of Technology, Electronic University of Science and Technology, Beijing University of posts and Telecommunications.

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